Apr 2, 2020 | Classes, Family, In the Community, Latest News
Maryland Professional Photography Instruction Photography Basics 101 As we all know these are unsettling times for all of us. We are all feeling the strain that the Covid-19 virus is putting on families, businesses, health care system, and everyone’s bank...
Mar 4, 2015 | Classes, Fine Art, Modeling & Fashion, Uncategorized
2015 MDPPA Convention The Maryland Professional Photographers of America Convention was great! Brian DeMint, Dave Brosha and Charleton Churchill were awesome speakers. Each brought their unique styles and personalities. Even though we were in the middle of a massive...
Feb 12, 2015 | Classes, Events, Uncategorized
Imaging USA 2015, Nashville We are all back from an amazing trip to Nashville for the annual Professional Photographers of America conference and convention. Great speakers, presenters, and a world class expo that had everything under the sun pertaining to...
Jan 28, 2015 | Classes, Travel Photography, Uncategorized
Imaging USA 2015 The Bayline Bunch is ready to head off to Nashville, TN for the largest professional photography conference in the World. What an awesome opportunity to meet other pro’s from every part of the globe and share stories, techniques, and build...
May 30, 2014 | Classes, Corporate, Latest News, Uncategorized
We are thrilled to be adding a full service video production department starting this Fall....
Jan 31, 2014 | Classes, Uncategorized
The Bayline Studios Winter Photography Workshops Are In full Bloom. Our Creative Director, Robbie McLean is once again an adjunct professor at Community College of Baltimore County. He is teaching a number of classes including Intro to DSLR Photography, Wedding...